By Elisa Garcia
Thirteen teenage girls became certified Media Chica reporters through Latinitas on Aug. 8. In the organization’s first Media Chica cohort, Latinitas provided a week-long journalism bootcamp where participants dived into the world of journalism.
Throughout the week, the chicas wore their reporter hats and wrote on newsworthy topics such as in-person school, banning TikTok and the Black Lives Matter movement. While reporting on the topic of their choice, the girls received words of encouragement from fellow Latina’s within the field of journalism such as Silvia Higareda, Ana Hernanez, Gissela SantaCruz and Teresa Frontado.
Rita Olivares, the program coordinator for Media Chica, said it’s a great feeling to be able to deliver an opportunity for students to explore a career in writing, which is not widely advertised.
“Oftentimes, students their age are underestimated for what they have to say about current events,” Olivares said. “But Gen Z students have shown time and time again how well informed they are and are ready to school us on these issues too.”
Despite the program being virtual due to the pandemic, the participants continued to be engaged and build their writing skills.
“I like writing, but I wouldn’t just do it for fun,” Toni Gonzalez said, a Media Chica participant. “I wanted to give (writing) another try. Plus, when I’m older I’m not sure what I want to be. I like the idea of being a news reporter, lawyer or an FBI Agent. I want this experience to pave the path for me when I’m older.”
Frontado, the executive editor for KUT, said with any career the girls wish to pursue it’s vital to build a career in an industry that one loves and believes in.
“I need to think that I’m doing something good for the world,” Frontado told the girls. “With all the (job) choices you’re considering, it sounds like you all want to change the world.”
Vanessa Batz, a co-instructor for Media Chica, said the program was more than she could have imagined and was blown away by the hard work the girls put into their reports.
“For most of our chicas, it was their first experience with journalism and they really took what we said and ran. They researched, drafted and edited a whole article in a week,” Batz said. “They have a powerful voice that needs to be amplified and I’m glad (Latinitas) is here to offer them these opportunities.”
Watch the recap video to get the bigger scoop!
Want to read the chicas’ buzzworthy stories? Keep an eye out for them on Latinitas Magazine.