Devaki Radkar is a senior Government major at the University of Texas at Austin. In the future, she is interested in working in the areas of technology and healthcare policy. In her spare time, she loves to read, explore cool new places in Austin, and she loves to volunteer with Latinitas.
What do you enjoy the most when volunteering at Club Latinitas? I absolutely love getting to know each and every one of these smart, talented, and inspiring girls every week! They all have vibrant personalities and are full of great potential. I also enjoy hearing them tell jokes. They are incredibly hilarious!
Tell us one thing you’ve learned from volunteering with Latinitas. These young girls have a lot of power to change the world. They are motivated, and despite their age, they are able to grasp concepts about social issues that I could not understand until I was much older. When we talked about the importance of diversity in media and STEM, they were ready to change the status quo. I want to be more like them when I grow up.
What is your advice to girls interested in pursuing a career in media, tech, or other STEM careers? Believe that your goals, hopes, and dreams are possible. Keep listening to that small voice that is telling you to keep pushing forward, because when you listen to that small voice, big things can happen.